[NEW MUSIC] Mp3 :CELEBRATE (A King is Born) - Agbani Horsfall

Agbani Horsfall_CELEBRATE (A King is Born)_www.merchantcolony.com

Just in time for the most wonderful time of the year, Agbani Horsfall offers up a brand new music to CELEBRATE the joy and magnificence of the season.

This tune CELEBRATE....a King is Born is an Afrocentric tune that brings to focus the real essence of Christmas: JESUS CHRIST, giving listeners a deeper meaning of why we celebrate this season.
Commenting on the new release, Agbani said; "This song reminds us of the reason why Jesus was born on earth....to redeem us back to God. Let us all in one accord share Love (sharing with the needy), share Laughter and remind the unbelievers that Jesus was born because of the Love the Father has for even them. MERRY CHRISTMAS"

Agbani Horsfall is a singer-songwriter and a gospel recording artist who hails from Rivers State, Nigeria. She is a lover of God and her music exhibits the deep love and affection she has for Him (God).

Produced by Doubzbeat.

CONNECT with Agbani Horsfall
Instagram : @HorsfallAgbani
Facebook : Agbani Horsfall

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